It has been quite a while since I wrote anything on here. I have been very busy with a number of projects and events. I will try and catch you all up on some of these this week, and try and do a better job posting regularly... but no promises!
I spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon today being a reporter in a zombie film. It is the latest George Demick movie, DEAD START, filming in Smyrna Tennessee. I got there at 8 am to find 500 EXTRAS who all showed up to be zombies! Wow! Talk about an army of the dead!! It was tremendous!
George had asked me a few weeks back if I wanted to do a bit part in the movie - I said sure, but only if I can do it as an homage to Chilly Billy Cardille, the horror host in Pittsburgh who appeared in the George Romero classic Night of the Living Dead. So I did play a tv reporter in it, and I called my character Russ Bramming, which is a combination of names from the first 2 horror hosts in Nashville, Ken Bramming and Russ McCown.
It was a fun time and I got killed by a zombie belly dancer. Doesn't get much better than that. I'll post pictures as I get them...
here's a link for more info: